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We know how busy our patient families are - one minute it's July, then you blink and here is December!
In order to ensure our families can schedule well visit and follow up appointments on the best date and time for them, we have our provider schedules open for a full 12 months. This means, when you check out from your annual well visit, you can schedule next year's in advance! We can also schedule each of your baby's milestone visits for the first year!
Patients needing a follow up visit every 3 months are also encouraged to make that next appointment at checkout. If you aren't able to schedule at checkout, that's okay, too! We will reach out a day or so after your appointment to offer you the option to get that next appointment on the calendar.
To make it even easier, we'll send you a reminder 2 months before the appointment so you can contact us to make any needed changes!
Our front desk staff and schedulers are happy to help you make your appointments in advance now, so you can mark that off your future to-do list! As always, please give us a call with any questions or concerns at 309-662-0504.