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The Covid-19 pandemic brought many changes for our office and patient families. We have been pleased to return to many of our pre-Covid-19 procedures, including the use of our waiting room. With the majority of our patient families once again using our waiting room, we will no longer be utilizing the text-to-check-in option previously offered.
The numbers for the text-to-check-in phones will no longer be in service as of June 1, 2023.
We do realize this may have been a pandemic change that families hoped would "stick." We are still happy to offer the option to wait in your vehicle until a nurse is ready for you. Rather than text us when you arrive for your appointment, families should call the office at 309-662-0504 and select option 8. Please advise the receptionist of your child's name, appointment time and provider. They will note your wish to remain in the parking lot and when a nurse is ready to bring you back, we will text you directly from your child's patient record to ask you to come in the building.
*Please note: our text from the patient record is only capable of outgoing texts - we are not able to receive replies from you*
If your family plans to continue waiting in your vehicle before appointments, we kindly ask that you arrive 5-10 minutes early to allow time for the process of calling to check in, receiving the text from us, entering the building, and checking in at the front desk.
Thank you for your cooperation as we happily move forward, while still doing our best to accommodate our patient families!